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Hope and Healing Bible Study Class


Welcome to the Hope and Healing Bible Study at The Falls Church Anglican (TFCA).


If you have experienced abortion/s, have facilitated another person's abortion or are a member of a family that has been affected by abortion, and if you are struggling with depression, anger, isolation, fear, addiction or other areas of physical, emotional or spiritual distress, you might be suffering from post-abortion trauma. 


There is hope. You are not alone. We are praying for you and look forward to walking with you on this healing journey.



Bible Study offering:      TDB.  If interested, please contact Emily Giacomini, 571-282-0210

                                     The Falls Church Anglican Learning Center, Rm 114, 6565 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church


Read More:

What We Do

Who We Are

What to Expect


Connect with Us

Prayer Blog (Updated to encourage and bless you.)



What We Do at the Hope and Healing Bible Study

TFCA’s Hope and Healing Bible Study class is a12-week Bible study facilitated by a trained team of leaders. There is a closing event on the 13th week. Participants read and work through exercises in the SaveOne Bible study book and study corresponding scripture verses in preparation for class every week. The small group format fosters an atmosphere of confidentiality, safety, candor and fellowship.



Who We Are

Committed to Christ.  As committed followers of Jesus, we are prepared to walk alongside you as you explore and apply God's Word to your own unique experiences.


Equipped to Help.  Our team understands the pressures and pain that likely surrounded the decision to have had an abortion (or several). Although we are not professional counselors, we do train constantly in current research, best practices and up-to-date resources in the field of abortion recovery. 


Available.  You can reach out to us by phone or email any time, whether or not there is an active class in session. We are always praying for you and would be happy to connect.



What to Expect

The Basics.  Every Spring and Fall TFCA offers the Hope and Healing Bible Study class. To ensure complete privacy, no registration is required. For the first two weeks of the class each Spring and Fall, we welcome participants into the class.  After that it is closed to allow participants privacy as a group.  Feel free to reach us with any inquiries before or during the class via our phone line and email inbox.


The Bond.  Our team is committed to complete confidentiality as we seek to foster a real sense of community among the very intimate group that gathers for the Hope and Healing Bible Study class. We will encourage you from the beginning to share the important aspects of your story, and we will not dwell on them. The discussion moves very quickly to the Person of Jesus and your interaction with Him as He lovingly renews you and your family.


The Book.  We use SaveOne: A Guide to Emotional Healing after Abortion by Sheila Harper, a beautiful, proven program that helps you identify the crippling emotional scars left by abortion and guides you toward God’s grace and healing. There are also editions especially for men and for family members (i.e. siblings, grandparents, etc.) who also have been impacted by abortion/s. We have copies on hand for you. There is a minimal cost for the book ($10-12). You can read more about the authors of the SaveOne Bible study and related resources at


The Building.  We meet in the Learning Center of The Falls Church Anglican at 6565 Arlington Boulevard in Falls Church. Attendees can park behind the building or in the parking garage adjacent to it. Each week that we meet, we post discrete signs directing you to the correct doors, since most of them are locked at night. There will be someone waiting to greet you just inside the door and to guide you to the classroom. Tables and chairs will be set up at a comfortable distance from each other and we will follow the current TFCA guidance regarding masks. 




Do I have to be a Christian to come?

No. All are welcome. Our team and the resources we use aim to respectfully, faithfully and joyfully reflect the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can read more about Anglicans for Life here and TFCA’s statement of faith here


Is anyone else going through this, or am I crazy?

You are not alone and you are not imagining things. Your pain is real, even if you elected to have an abortion. Despite the proclamations of pro-abortion advocates, research and experience increasingly shows that a great number of women and men suffer post-abortion trauma, either right away or months or years after their experience. The pain can manifest in various ways: overwhelming guilt, shame, flashbacks, drug or alcohol abuse, outbursts of anger, workaholism, pornography addiction, promiscuity, dissociation, depression and anxiety, and others. The good news is that you need not be sentenced to a lifetime of suffering; Jesus can set you free. Whatever your individual situation might be, you are right in seeking help for recovery. There is hope.


Won’t people judge me? I mean, I even judge myself.

We will not judge you because we also need God’s grace. We praise God that Jesus lived, died and rose again specifically to free all people from the spiritual and physical death that sin causes and to bring us all into relationship with our Father. Romans 3:23 says “ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” This is what Christians over the centuries have known, and this is what we believe at TFCA. Without Jesus, we all stand condemned, BUT “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned…” (John 3:16-18a) You are welcomed here as family.


I think I want to give it a try. What happens now?

Once you chose to attend, you may reach out to us and let us know you are coming, or you may just come! Either way, we will be happy to meet you. Feel free to bring a friend or family member if it would help.


Connect with Us

Our chapter director is Emily Giacomini.  Please feel free to leave a message by phone or by email, and either she or one of our chapter leaders will get back to you soon.  Your privacy will be respected.

Phone: 571-282-0210


Visit our TFCA info page on the SaveOne ministry’s website:






What We Do

Website updated 13 February, 2025

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