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Prayer for the Sanctity of Life


On the fourth Saturday of each month, 8:45 - 9:30 am, we gather by phone to pray for sanctity of life issues that affect our church, community, and nation. Please email Jeanne Lee at if you would like to join us.  We will send you the phone number/access code and prayer agenda the day before we pray.




Prayer for the end of the abortion business in Falls Church​


If you would like to join a group praying specifically about this, please email Peggy Aderton at to receive more information.  You can pray at home or with others outside the abortion facility 1 mile from our church. 



Prayers for the protection and nurture of every human life


1.  For children in the womb, that their parents would choose life and that abortion would become unthinkable.


2.  For women and men who have been impacted by abortion, that they would find healing in Christ.


3.  For the elderly and vulnerable, that they would not fall victim to assisted suicide or euthanasia, and that legislative attempts to legalize both would be stopped.      


4.  For children in need of adoption and parents desiring a child, that loving families would be made and that the birth mother would find peace in choosing life.


5.  For the Church, that we would boldly celebrate, honor, and protect Life and proclaim Christ's victory over sin and the grave.

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