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Other Church Documents


Excerpt from Doctrinal Foundations of The Falls Church Anglican
Sanctity of Life. All human life is a sacred gift from God and is to be protected and defended from conception to natural death. We will uphold the sanctity of life and bring the grace and compassion of Christ to those who face the realities of previous abortion, unwanted pregnancy and end-of-life illness.

Biblical Principles Applied to End of Life Questions
A resource provided by The Falls Church Anglican Chapter of Anglicans for Life.

Why are Anglicans Pro-Life?
By Rev. Deacon Georgette Forney, Director of National Anglicans for Life



Abortion and the Early Christians
An Anglicans for Life booklet examining what the early church fathers and scholars had to say about abortion.


Church History and Abortion

An extensive collection of extra-biblical statements about abortion from various Christian writings, writers, and decrees, from the beginnings of Christianity to the Reformation. The collection is evidence that the historical church has addressed this matter with consistency from the first century through the Reformation.

Abortion and the Apostles's Creed

A series of 12 articles on abortion and the Apostles Creed.

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